(Neutered but still active in the dog's world)
Born on August 3rd, 2002, Tan & white, broken coat, scissor bite.
13¾" height or 35cm. Certified BAER (ears) and CERF (eyes) normal.
Fame's Show Record   AKC CKC
Fame well represents her breed. She has a great personality! Superb Head, good front, good rear, good
movement and a nice broken coat. She finished her American championship rapidly in only three week-ends with
a total of four major wins and 18 points. In 2003, at St-Francis Kennel Club in Brome, over 42 Parson, Fame  
received these awards: most versatile puppy  and most versatile Parson in show during that week-end.
She was only ten and a half months old and she defeated all the adult dogs! Her strength is the race.
The Brome show includes conformation judgings and many dog sports activities.

To see Fame's offspring, simply click on the "Previous Litters" tab in the menu.
Saturday May 27th. First experience in
obedience: Fame finishes second in her class.
Sunday May 28th, second trial, Fame finishes
first in her class
with the highest score of the week-end over
all "Novice" and "Open" A classes.
Sunday June 4th, 2006. Third trial, Fame
finishes second in her class. Average score of
191 points out of 200 for all three trials.
Obedience Judge Susan Des Cotes
congratulates Sylvie and Fame
for their new  "CD" title..
Fame's performances in obedience
New Canadian Champion, On the left picture, Group 2nd at the St.Francis Show in Brome, QC
at her first Canadian Show.
On the right picture, championship completed on  June 22nd, 2007 at Trois-Rivieres, Quebec..
We are very proud of her. Fame doesn't like to waste her time...
She obtained all her titles quickly !!
Fame's Performances in Rally-O
Saturday June 14th 2008, at Brome Fame
completed her Rally Advanced Title, picture
on your right.
Fame in action towards her CDX title.
New CDX title !!
Visiting Ottawa , relaxing
between two trials...
Parson Fun Day 2009
Saturday september 12th 2009, by a bright day, at the Fun Day organised by Lyne and Marie-Claude
at Guides Canins in St-Lazare, Qc. Fame keeps the pace even at the age of 7 years old. She was the
great winner in the flat racing among more than 20 dogs entered. Also, she registered the best time
at the speed race competition running the 225 feet in 6,81 seconds.
Famestrting from line 5 on the left
Fame ahead...                         Fame forges ahead on the others !
Fame at the leurre racing
Nothing is better than a refreshing
skinny dip after all these races !!
Saturday, Septembre 19th, 2009, Fame a
completed her Rally Advances Excellent
(RAE), the highest title in obedience Rally
with a perfect score of 100%
to obtain her 10th leg in Laval, QC.
Fame's performances in conformation
Saturday, May 22nd 2010, Fame won the
best altered terrier at the Terrier Breeders'
Association of Canada Speciality in
Kitchener, Ontario which was judged by the
well-known Peter Green.
Show in Richmond (Ottawa), On. At the age of 7¾ years old.
Saturday August 28th, 2010, Fame won best
altered dog at the 'Terrier Rideau Club'
speciality at Long Sault
which was judged by  Michelle Scott.
7 Altered terriers were entered.